Preventing mail theft in Bremerton, WA

Preventing Mail Theft

Preventing mail theft in Bremerton, WAMail theft is an unfortunate reality in most of the country. Thieves drive around during the mid-day and night time looking for mail that has not yet been picked up. What are they looking for? Gift cards, credit card applications, and utility bills – pretty much anything that would allow them to steal your identity.

Take these steps to avoid being the victim of mail theft:

  1. Get a locking mailbox

This is one of the easiest steps you can take and also the most effective. While the cost of a locking mailbox varies (usually starting around $80) it can be enough of a deterrent to stop theft. If you live in a community with other neighbors, consider getting together with other neighbors and purchasing a community box. If a neighbor is handy, they can easily install the mailbox. One quick tip, be sure to check for postal service approved mailboxes. It usually requires some minor paperwork.

  1. Pick up mail frequently

Make it a habit to routinely pick up the mail as close to delivery time as possible. Most of us work throughout the day, so grab it on the way in from work. Do your best to not leave mail in the box until the next day.

  1. Avoid using the red flag

 If there is one “red flag” (pun) for thieves, it is using your outgoing mailbox’s red flag. Simply waiting until the time the mailman is coming or even better, bringing your outgoing mail to work (with your postage paid already of course). This will ensure a secured delivery.

  1. Have a neighbor help you out from time-to-time

Do you know you have something valuable coming in the mail? Perhaps it is your birthday or around the holidays. Ask a neighbor to pick up your mail for you. Since the USPS is now delivering for Amazon on Sundays, if you have a small package coming, be sure to check your mailbox on Sundays for special deliveries.

Do you have other ideas about how mail theft could be avoided? Feel free to share your thoughts on our Facebook page!

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

Liability insurance in Bremerton, WA

Parental Liability

Liability insurance in Bremerton, WAOur children quickly become the most important parts of our lives and our dreams suddenly become the dreams of our children. As we look at our own childhoods, we see the seemingly endless shenanigans we caused and while most of these things were harmless, they could be looked at now as liability concerns or outright against the law. In nearly all states, parents are solely responsible for the actions of their children. Not only property damages, but also personal injury that may be caused.

As parents it is important to ensure that your children understand the implications of their actions at an early age. While we can easily make the excuse that they’re just being children, we need to understand that as the adults we ensure their safety and the safety of others around them. Here are some simple examples where our children’s judgment can cause you a liability insurance claim.

  1. Swimming pools: The child who grows up with the swimming pool at their home becomes awfully popular in the summer time! Those hot summer days have other children begging to come over and take a dip! Ensuring that your child understands that other children are only allowed to come over when there is a parent there to supervise could save you not only from a tragic loss of life, but also a massive liability insurance claim. Consider a lock on your pool cover for those times when parents are not available.
  2. Matches, fireworks and other flammable materials: Children just seem to be drawn by the awe of fire. As a country we celebrate our independence with fireworks across the country. When children are allowed to have fireworks, there is a possibility they may use them in an unsafe manner when adults are not present. This could cause fires in neighborhoods, trees and fields – or even worse, personal injury. Be sure to keep your fireworks and other fire materials in a safe spot away from the curious eyes of your children.
  3. Swing sets: Your home may have the Taj Mahal of all swing sets. It is the talk of the neighborhood kids! If your swing set or playground is open to the neighborhood, be sure to routinely inspect it. Loose boards, bolts or brackets could easily cause a child to become injured while playing on your property, even if without permission you can be held liable.
  4. Firearms: Children grow up watching firearms used on television or in videogames. Even cartoons, new and old, represent firearms being used in an innocent and humorous fashion. Being sure your firearms are kept locked away with both a safe and a trigger lock is of upmost importance. Your child may want to show off the firearm to friends or worse, bring it to school to show there.

We hope your child is exempt from any of the above examples and enjoys the fun, careless childhood most of us were able to enjoy. It is important to understand that the actions of your child fall under your liability. Having you properly insured for these unforeseen, seemingly innocent actions is our job to recommend.

If you have questions regarding your liability insurance, call the agents at H&K Insurance Agency. H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

Owning a home safe in Bremerton, WA and what to store in it

Owning a Home Safe & What to Store in It

Owning a home safe in Bremerton, WA and what to store in itIf you don’t own a home safe, it might be time to make the purchase. Not only can they help with theft of valuables or family heirlooms, but they can also protect special documents. A home safe is priceless when the unexpected occurs. Documents and valuables can be kept out of harm should you ever experience a home fire or burglary. These reasons alone should be a good motive to invest in a home safe.

Where to place your home safe

When shopping for a home safe, make sure it’s heavy enough so a burglar couldn’t walk away with it. If you can, bolt it to the floor or install it into a wall. An additional thought is to store it in a unique place in your home unless you’re using it daily such as in an office. You don’t want to simply not use it because it isn’t convenient. Some additional things to consider is the size of the safe. Safes that are heavy and require a hand truck to move should be placed on the ground floor. Safes that can be moved with a couple of people are okay to have on the second floor. If your main concern is fire, you should try to place your safe on a cement slab.

Twelve items to store in your home safe

  • Passports, original birth certificates, marriage/divorce papers, social security cards
  • Cash
  • Wills or other important legal documents
  • Valuable watches or jewelry
  • SD cards, important computer back up discs or other electronics that are important, but you may not use on a weekly basis
  • Annual tax returns
  • Small firearms
  • Spare car keys and titles to all vehicles
  • Important papers regarding bank accounts, retirement or other investments

Investing in a safe today could prevent an unfortunate headache in the future. While owning a safe is important, having the right home insurance policy is just as valuable. For all insurance questions, call the insurance agents at H&K Insurance Agency. We have years of experience and will help you find the best coverage for your needs.