Liability insurance in Bremerton, WA

Parental Liability

Liability insurance in Bremerton, WAOur children quickly become the most important parts of our lives and our dreams suddenly become the dreams of our children. As we look at our own childhoods, we see the seemingly endless shenanigans we caused and while most of these things were harmless, they could be looked at now as liability concerns or outright against the law. In nearly all states, parents are solely responsible for the actions of their children. Not only property damages, but also personal injury that may be caused.

As parents it is important to ensure that your children understand the implications of their actions at an early age. While we can easily make the excuse that they’re just being children, we need to understand that as the adults we ensure their safety and the safety of others around them. Here are some simple examples where our children’s judgment can cause you a liability insurance claim.

  1. Swimming pools: The child who grows up with the swimming pool at their home becomes awfully popular in the summer time! Those hot summer days have other children begging to come over and take a dip! Ensuring that your child understands that other children are only allowed to come over when there is a parent there to supervise could save you not only from a tragic loss of life, but also a massive liability insurance claim. Consider a lock on your pool cover for those times when parents are not available.
  2. Matches, fireworks and other flammable materials: Children just seem to be drawn by the awe of fire. As a country we celebrate our independence with fireworks across the country. When children are allowed to have fireworks, there is a possibility they may use them in an unsafe manner when adults are not present. This could cause fires in neighborhoods, trees and fields – or even worse, personal injury. Be sure to keep your fireworks and other fire materials in a safe spot away from the curious eyes of your children.
  3. Swing sets: Your home may have the Taj Mahal of all swing sets. It is the talk of the neighborhood kids! If your swing set or playground is open to the neighborhood, be sure to routinely inspect it. Loose boards, bolts or brackets could easily cause a child to become injured while playing on your property, even if without permission you can be held liable.
  4. Firearms: Children grow up watching firearms used on television or in videogames. Even cartoons, new and old, represent firearms being used in an innocent and humorous fashion. Being sure your firearms are kept locked away with both a safe and a trigger lock is of upmost importance. Your child may want to show off the firearm to friends or worse, bring it to school to show there.

We hope your child is exempt from any of the above examples and enjoys the fun, careless childhood most of us were able to enjoy. It is important to understand that the actions of your child fall under your liability. Having you properly insured for these unforeseen, seemingly innocent actions is our job to recommend.

If you have questions regarding your liability insurance, call the agents at H&K Insurance Agency. H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

Wildfire Prevention in Bremerton, WA

How to Protect Your Home & Property from Wildfires

Wildfire Prevention in Bremerton, WAWildfires occur every year and summer season is also known as fire season. Each year millions of acres across the country are scorched by both nature as well as human caused fire. By knowing how to minimize losses, human caused fires can drastically decrease with the proper education. Use these simple steps.

Equipment or toys can spark a wildfire

Lawn mowers, weed-eaters, chain saws, welders, tractors, dirt bikes, and more can all cause sparks. Don’t mow dry grass or weeds. When you are maintaining your yard, avoid dry yard debris buildup.

If you are using a tractor, dirt bike or welder, avoid driving or using your welder near dry grass or brush.

Keeping your Home Safe from Wildfire Damage

Use fire-resistant building material for your home.

The roof and exterior surface need to be composed of non-combustible or fire resistant materials. This would include brick, stone, aluminum, tile, sheet iron, asphalt or slate. If your home is composed of wood or cedar, consider this a risk. Homes that are located in especially fire prone areas can escape damage by being entirely built of concrete and stone.

Maintain Your Roof

When your roof is filled with leaves, pine needles, branches, moss, you are increasing your risk for wildfire damage. Be sure to avoid letting these items collect on your roof.

Keep your Property Free of Dead Plants or Trees

Tree branches should be kept to a height of 15 feet. Also, be sure tree branches aren’t near your chimney. If a branch is within 10 feet of the flue opening of the stove or chimney, remove it.

Keeping things like sheds and wood piles at least 30 feet away from your home helps reduce the chances of a fire jumping from one structure to the next.

It is important to understand the limits of your insurance policies as many natural disasters like floods or earthquakes require a special insurance policy while wildfires are generally covered under the comprehensive portion of a homeowner’s insurance policy. The price of the policy may be higher if you live in an area that is prone to yearly fires or if a fire station is far away.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.