Car Insurance in Bremerton, WA

Understanding Auto Insurance Premium Increases

Car Insurance in Bremerton, WAMany of you may have noticed that the auto insurance industry seems to be continually increasing premiums. While H&K Insurance represents many of the top insurance companies in the country and we can quote you with several companies, the trend for premiums is up. There are many reasons why this is happening and it is important for you to understand.

  • There are more new cars on the market that are expensive to repair.
  • The technology in vehicles today is much more expensive to replace than it used to be.
  • More people are driving. In 2015, miles driven increased 3.5{07aebebc339bbee9a3661b4a8c8244910a166561f3ef72e2cc28f7e9f72be199} which is the most annual increase in 25 years.
  • Drivers are increasingly distracted. One out of four car crashes involve cell phone use.
  • Medical payments are increasing due to the complexity of the health insurance industry.
  • Claims severity (payments) overall is increasing.

Is there anything that you can do to control your costs?

Yes, contact us so we can shop for you!

Unfortunately insurance premiums are pooled. The premiums are calculated off of risks and data from other drivers just like you. Age, gender, zip code, vehicle driven and driving history are just some of the factors that determine your premium. Here are some things you can do to ensure you’re getting the best rates.

  • Review your coverage and determine if it is the correct coverage for your current situation
  • Review discounts you may be eligible for with your current carrier
  • If it isn’t already, consider bundling your insurance coverage (home, auto, specialty insurance)

If you have specific questions about your auto insurance coverage, remember to reach out to our agency. As an independent insurance agent, we can review your coverage and ensure you’re current carrier is still the best carrier for your situation.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

How to prevent car theft in Bremerton, WA

5 Simple Tips to Avoid Having Your Vehicle Stolen

How to prevent car theft in Bremerton, WAAccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a vehicle is stolen every 44 seconds in the United States. Having your vehicle stolen is not only a huge inconvenience, but it is also frightening and violating experience that can sometimes be avoided by taking certain precautions.

5 Tips to Avoid Your Car from Being Stolen:

  • At nighttime, always park your vehicle in well-lit areas. Thieves thrive in dark places where they can easily be hidden.
  • Keep the inside of your car clean and avoid leaving valuables exposed. Use your trunk if you are transporting valuables.
  • Always lock your car door and windows. The most basic tip of them all. Many people feel comfortable leaving their car unlocked while it’s parked at their home or other safe areas. Get in the habit of always locking your car to avoid any unexpected surprises.
  • Keep your spare key in your home, not under your car. Thieves tend to check for spare keys in common areas like under the car.
  • Invest in an alarm system or anti-theft device. The simplest form of protection is an anti-theft device like an alarm or a wheel locking device such as “The Club.”

While these tips can’t guarantee your car will never be stolen, protecting your assets in the event of a car theft can be as simple as having the right insurance policy. Investing in comprehensive coverage will cover the loss of car theft. Contact your licensed insurance agent at H&K Insurance Agency to make sure you have this coverage is on your insurance policy.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

Preventing mail theft in Bremerton, WA

Preventing Mail Theft

Preventing mail theft in Bremerton, WAMail theft is an unfortunate reality in most of the country. Thieves drive around during the mid-day and night time looking for mail that has not yet been picked up. What are they looking for? Gift cards, credit card applications, and utility bills – pretty much anything that would allow them to steal your identity.

Take these steps to avoid being the victim of mail theft:

  1. Get a locking mailbox

This is one of the easiest steps you can take and also the most effective. While the cost of a locking mailbox varies (usually starting around $80) it can be enough of a deterrent to stop theft. If you live in a community with other neighbors, consider getting together with other neighbors and purchasing a community box. If a neighbor is handy, they can easily install the mailbox. One quick tip, be sure to check for postal service approved mailboxes. It usually requires some minor paperwork.

  1. Pick up mail frequently

Make it a habit to routinely pick up the mail as close to delivery time as possible. Most of us work throughout the day, so grab it on the way in from work. Do your best to not leave mail in the box until the next day.

  1. Avoid using the red flag

 If there is one “red flag” (pun) for thieves, it is using your outgoing mailbox’s red flag. Simply waiting until the time the mailman is coming or even better, bringing your outgoing mail to work (with your postage paid already of course). This will ensure a secured delivery.

  1. Have a neighbor help you out from time-to-time

Do you know you have something valuable coming in the mail? Perhaps it is your birthday or around the holidays. Ask a neighbor to pick up your mail for you. Since the USPS is now delivering for Amazon on Sundays, if you have a small package coming, be sure to check your mailbox on Sundays for special deliveries.

Do you have other ideas about how mail theft could be avoided? Feel free to share your thoughts on our Facebook page!

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.