Fun summer ideas in Bremerton, Washington

Fun Ideas to Make the Most Out of Your Summer

Fun summer ideas in Bremerton, WashingtonWe are already one month into summer. If you have kids, that means the new school year is just around the corner. Maximize your summer by using the last few weeks to create great summer memories. This doesn’t mean you have to take a special vacation, as you can easily find fun things to do around your house or in your local community. Here are a few ideas to make the most out of your remaining summer.

  • Make something fun in the kitchen

Summer offers amazing seasonal produce to create a fun experience in the kitchen. Consider making homemade ice cream, a fruit pie or cobbler, or grill up something fun on the BBQ. A new recipe or a family favorite recipe makes for an easy, fun experience at home. You can enjoy doing this by yourself or with friends and family.

  • Attend a local event

Local events can vary from attending a major or minor league baseball game, your local farmer’s market, music event, local festival, comedy show, and more. Consider seeking out what local events are going on this month for something new and exciting to try.

  • Get outdoors

When it comes to getting outdoors, there are many options to choose from. You can stay close to home by visiting a new park or you can hop in your vehicle and drive a few hours to fish, hike, camp, boat, paddleboard or kayak, and more. The outdoors can be a great space to get away, take a digital detox and enjoy nature.

  • Take a road trip somewhere in your state

Sometimes many of us like to venture somewhere out of state for road trips even though fun places exist closer to home. It is easy to think you can visit something close to home at any time. Pick a time this summer to plan a day trip or extended road trip to something new you haven’t seen in your home state. You may find it could be a new favorite location to visit.

  • Plan a Gathering

Fun gatherings always create lasting memories. Nothing says summer like a summer BBQ, pool party or slumber party for your child with his or her friends. Finish summer off with a fun gathering with friends or family.

Here are a few tips for having a safe gathering:

  • If you have kids near or in a pool, make sure there is a dedicated adult watching the pool.
  • Do not leave the grill unattended, especially if there are children present.
  • When BBQing, make sure you have a fire extinguisher ready.
  • Keep food at the recommended safe temperature before cooking to avoid making you and your guests ill.
  • Make sure your grill is clean of grease and gunk, and there are no bits of metal left over that will contaminate your food.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer season. If you have questions about your insurance coverage, we are here to answer your questions. Contact us today.

RV Insurance in Bremerton, WA

A Beginner’s Guide to Traveling in an RV

RV Insurance in Bremerton, WABuying your first RV, camper or trailer is an exciting time! Before you make the purchase, you are already visualizing how you want to enjoy your trailer or RV. Owning an RV or camper allows you to enjoy nature & relax. Here are a few things to consider to have the best time.

  1. Get Comfortable Driving Your RV

Whether you must drive your RV or tow your camper, it is important to be comfortable. We’re not talking about physical comfort; we’re referring to being comfortable with driving the vehicle. Begin by driving it around unpopulated areas such as neighborhoods and less-populated streets. When you’re ready, hop on a freeway and try it at freeway speeds. Remember, your braking will be dramatically different in a larger vehicle and especially so if you’re pulling a trailer.

  1. Check the Roads if Using the Backcountry

If you are going hiking or camping on forest service roads, be sure to watch for signs for “no turn-around” or “no trailers.” While most rural roads won’t mention this, it is important to remember you’re going to have to turn around. While traveling on forest service roads it isn’t uncommon for the road to be obstructed by a fallen tree or other hazards. Be sure you’re prepared for unplanned situations.

  1. Tie Down Your Luggage, Coolers, Etc.

Loose items inside of the vehicle can be a hazard when you must take evasive action or brake hard. Loose items inside of the vehicle will accelerate at the same deceleration as the outside of the vehicle. So, if they aren’t strapped down, they can move around your cabin and cause serious injury or damage. Be sure all your items inside are strapped down; especially the heavy items such as coolers.

  1. Make a Checklist for Packing

Referencing a master checklist for packing can be great to ensure you do not forget anything. This can be made on paper or your notes app on your phone. With each trip, you’ll learn what you need to create your perfect master list.

  1. Make Your Food Ahead of Time

By owning an RV or camper, you can easily save money by packing your meals for the road. Consider cooking your meals ahead of time or making double batches of easy meals you normally cook in the comfort of your home that can be frozen for future use.

When you pack food for the road, choose meals that can be reheated on a stovetop or a portable BBQ. For meals where you don’t want to spend the time reheating, pack items that taste good colds such as pasta salads, sandwiches, quiche, and more. You might feel like you are eating a gourmet meal out in nature! Consider examples such as pre-cooked burger patties, chili, stews, and even pizza (reheated on a BBQ for a crisp bottom).

If your RV does not have a refrigerator, you can pack a cooler. If you plan to use your RV for an extended period, there are temperature-controlled electric plugin coolers you can invest in. This may save money over the long run as it avoids you from having to eat out for many meals.

Owning an RV can be bring you joy and wonderful memories. If you have any questions about insurance for your RV, trailer, van, or camper, reach out to our agency. We can help you determine the best RV insurance coverage to protect your investment.

How to protect your home while on vacation in Bremerton, Washington

Taking a Summer Vacation? Why You Should Follow This Checklist to Protect Your Home.

How to protect your home while on vacation in Bremerton, WashingtonSummer is here! Whether you are looking forward to being on a big vacation overseas or local trips around your state, many of us look forward to our summer vacations. Keeping your home safe while you are gone can be simple and it can also offer you peace of mind while you are off enjoying your trip. We share some things to do before you leave for your vacation.

Actions that can decrease your risk for theft while you are gone:

Don’t share your trip plans on social media: we understand that posting on social media in the moment is ideal. However, posting content while you are on vacation tells many on the internet you are currently away from your home for an extended period which can increase your risk for theft.

Holding your mail: unless you have someone checking your mailbox for you every day, it is best to hold your mail through USPS. Letting your mail collect in your mailbox while you are gone increases your risk for mail theft. You can easily do this online by going to and setting a mail hold.

Stage your home: Staging your home to look like you are home may lower your risk for a burglary. Here are a few suggestions on how to do this:

  1. Set a light on a timer. Whether it is a lamp or your main room, this shows that someone is home.
  2. Don’t leave garbage or recycle bins out for multiple days in a row. This can be a clear indication you are not home to thieves. If you can, ask a neighbor if he or she can pull your bins off the road or place them back where they belong on your property.

Inform your neighbors: If you’re close with your neighbors, be sure to let them know that you’re going to be away on vacation. They can keep an eye out for suspicious activity at your home.

Invest in a home security camera. This can bring peace of mind knowing any strange activity on your property can be alerted to you via your home security app.

One simple action to prevent a home insurance claim: If you plan to be gone for weeks at a time, it is always best to shut off your water.

Home insurance claims are best avoided by taking simple precautions. If you have questions about your home insurance, please feel free to reach out to our staff. We’re happy to help.