Commercial Auto Insurance in Bremerton, WA

Using Your Personal Vehicle for Business Use? Read this first.

Commercial Auto Insurance in Bremerton, WADo you use your personal vehicle to deliver papers, pizzas, sandwiches, flowers or other deliverables in exchange for money? Do you, from time to time, help your son or daughter with delivering their newspaper route? If you answered yes to this question, you may need a commercial auto insurance policy for your vehicle.

We all use our vehicles to get us from point A to point B; usually on personal errands, road trips or commuting to work. If you happen to use your vehicle for business use, like a paper route or pizza delivery or sandwich delivery, your personal auto insurance policy may not protect you in an accident.

If your business provides a vehicle for you, most likely that vehicle is covered under their policy, but be sure to ask your fleet department about what and how much is covered. If it is required that you use your personal vehicle, your personal auto insurance policy may not be sufficient. Your personal auto insurance policy only covers your vehicle for personal use. If you use your vehicle to deliver goods in exchange for money, a commercial auto insurance policy in Bremerton, WA may be necessary.

Commercial auto insurance in Washington:

  • Who needs it: Any vehicle that is used for commercial or business purposes may be required to have a business use policy. If your vehicle is used for both personal and commercial purposes, you may be able to get away with a business use endorsement on a personal vehicle policy. Talk to your agent about this option.
  • Why do you need another policy: You can get higher limits from your policy, giving yourself and the business extra protection from accidents.
  • What is covered: A commercial auto insurance policy covers many of the same claims that arise as a personal auto insurance policy, however limits and coverage options may vary between carriers.
  • But who is really going to know? You’d be surprised. Insurance companies are keen on claims and while their job is to pay claims, they could deny your claim if they find out you were driving it while using it for business. Play it safe and talk to an agent about your options.

So whether you are a traveling sales rep or out delivering packages, flowers, papers, or sandwiches talk your agent about your personal and commercial auto insurance needs. Their years of experience can save you bundle.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

Uninsured motorist coverage in Bremerton, WA

What To Do If You’re Involved in a Hit and Run Accident

How to handle a hit and run accident in Bremerton, WABeing in a hit and run accident can be a very frightening event. Being prepared to know how to handle the situation when it occurs will help you deal with the shock of it, as well as ensure you are covered for the loss when it does happen. While hit and run accidents will happen to almost every driver, whether their car is parked and unattended, or while they’re driving, knowing these things will help you deal with the unfortunate situation.

Safely park your vehicle: If you happen to be driving when the accident occurs, safely pull the vehicle over to the side of the road. If possible, carefully write down the license plate and description of the vehicle that struck you. This will aid police in locating the driver. Often time, your vehicle will be struck in a parking lot while unattended. In the event this happens, look for any signs of the other vehicle. Is their paint transfer that would indicate the color of the vehicle? Is there a note on your windshield? Are their security cameras such as at the gas station?

Assess any Injuries: If someone is injured, take care of their immediate needs and quickly call 911. It is typical to be jittery after such an event so catch your breath too.

Call police: Once you’re safely parked, you’ll need to get a police report. Many police stations will not respond if there are no injuries, so you’ll want to still turn in a police report for the incident. Many insurance companies will require this documentation in order to use your UMPD (uninsured motorist property damage) insurance coverage.

Gather any witness information: If anyone is standing there and offers you their statement, jot down their phone number and name. Your insurance company will want to talk with any witness to the accident.

Call insurance company: Sometimes even though vehicles collide, the damages may be limited, so you’ll want to take a close look and determine if you want to pursue a claim. While hit and run accidents may be a scary encounter, they may not require body work to your vehicle. Also keep in mind that if you don’t carry the correct coverages for hit and run (often times referred to as uninsured motorist property damage) your claim will be handled under a collision loss. Deductibles will likely apply in both cases.

While we hope you never have to experience a hit and run accident, being prepared will help you tackle the unfortunate situation.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

Umbrella Insurance in Bremerton, WA

8 Scenarios That Would Warrant an Umbrella Insurance Policy

Umbrella Insurance in Bremerton, WAThere are many scenarios that would warrant the need for an umbrella insurance policy. We outline a few of them here.

Example #1: Your teenage daughter is babysitting the neighbor kids and leaves the house for a moment to run to the store. When she returns, one of the children is badly injured and requires surgery. The child’s medical bills exceed $300,000. The parents of the children sue you to cover the medical bills.

Example #2: Your son dislikes his gym class as well as the teacher. He goes on social media and writes some very reproachful comments about the teacher that leave him in a bad light. The teacher sues and is awarded $500,000.

Example #3: Your 17 year old child decides to pick up some friends and go “cruising” in your car. He loses control of the vehicle while showing off how fast the minivan is. Each child is critically injured. Your umbrella policy helps cover the medical bills.

Example #4: You invite friends over to your home to celebrate the 4th of July. You provide all the entertainment, food and refreshments, including alcohol. One friend who is known for drinking too much, does just that, gets in his car and drives home getting in a terrible car accident that kills one person. The family sues you and you’re found to be liable for serving the friend too much alcohol.

Example #5: Your rental property’s deck is rotted and your tenant falls through it badly injuring their leg and requiring reconstructive surgery. A jury awards the tenant $750,000 for damages.

Example #6: You host a wedding on your property and rent a bouncy house. The house is not staked down and blows away in the wind with children inside of it. The kids are fine, but you’re sued for negligence. The families of the children are awarded $100,000 each for mental and post-traumatic stress.

Example #7: Your dog gets out viciously attacks the neighbors show dog. The dog can no longer show because it has scars and a limp. You’re sued for loss of income and a jury awards the dog owner $450,000.

Example #8: You’re the “cool mom” and agree to buy your kids and their friends alcohol if they promise to stay at the house. One of the friends leaves the house and is killed in an accident. He is found to be intoxicated. The parents of the child sue you for providing them with alcohol. A jury awards $2 million.

There are countless situations that can occur and exhaust your current liability limits on your home or auto insurance policy. The good news is that umbrella insurance policies are relatively inexpensive. Contact an agent at our office for your personalized umbrella insurance quote today.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.