Holiday Safety Tips H&K Insurance in Bremerton, Washington

Safety Tips for This Holiday Season

Holiday Safety Tips H&K Insurance in Bremerton, WashingtonWith the holidays just around the corner, it is a great time to review holiday safety items around the household. Especially if you plan on a lighting display.

When it comes to holiday décor, some families go all out. Regardless of your level of displays, it is important to keep some things in mind for safety.

If you’re like many families displaying lights on the outside of your house during the holidays brings a lot of joy and festiveness to your home.

Holiday Light Safety

  1. Keep your extension cords tucked away and off walkways.
  2. Extension cords create a trip hazard when running across walkways and other areas where deliveries or guests need to walk. When possible, keep them away from sidewalks and tucked away.
  3. Use exterior extension cords & lights.
  4. Extension cords, as well as lights, come in interior and exterior grades. Be sure if you’re running lights outside to use an extension cord rated for outdoor use.
  5. Check for frayed wires.

Over time the wires on your lights may become frayed. Before you hang them up, carefully inspect your wires for frayed ends. If you find any, don’t risk it. Repair them or replace them before you hang them up.

Ladder Safety

Each year thousands of people are injured hanging lights on their homes from ladders. OSHA publishes safety precautions that are not only good for businesses to follow but for individuals to follow as well. Some of these safety tips include:

  1. Select the right ladder for the weight of the job.
  2. Every ladder has a weight limit. Look at the side of your ladder to determine if it can support enough weight for the job.
  3. Never utilize the top 3 feet of the ladder. This can cause instability if you go above that point.
  4. Inspect the ladder before use for damage.
  5. Never go down a ladder backwards.
  6. Ensure your ladder is on flat ground and stable before climbing.
  7. Never lean to the side on a ladder, this can cause instability.
  8. Use common sense when using ladders to ensure safety. If something feels unsafe to you when you’re on the ladder, it probably is.

We hope that you and your families have a safe and happy holiday season this year.

If you have questions about your home insurance policy, contact our agency today.

Auto Insurance Claim Expectations in Bremerton, Washington

What To Expect When You File An Auto Insurance Claim

Auto Insurance Claim Expectations in Bremerton, WashingtonA Call for Facts of Loss

When you’re involved in a car accident the first thing that happens after you report your claim is you receive a call from the insurance adjuster. An insurance adjuster looks at your coverages, listens to your statement about what happened (Facts of Loss), and then determines fault. This adjuster will also guide you through the remaining process to get your vehicle back to pre-loss condition. If it is found that another party is at-fault, you may elect to go through them for your repairs. If you use your insurance, you may have to pay your deductible up-front which your insurance company will attempt to A close up of a damaged car headlight & to subrogate back for you.

Choices for Repairing Your Vehicle

When you need to get your vehicle repaired, the choice is up to you on who fixes your vehicle. Typically, the insurance carrier will work with a network of body shops in your area and can recommend one or two. Regardless of who you choose, the insurance adjuster or estimator will work with the body shop on your behalf to ensure your car is repaired.

Vehicle Parts

Oftentimes, insureds are surprised to hear that the insurance company authorized the usage of aftermarket (commonly referred to as Like-Kind-Quality or LKQ) parts on their vehicle. If your vehicle is new, it is unlikely this will occur, but if your car is more than a couple of years old, there will likely be many parts like bumper covers and fenders that are available for your vehicle that may be used when your vehicle is repaired. Most of the time, you will not have an option to choose, but if you see it on your estimate, you could likely opt to pay the difference yourself. Most insurance contracts say in the policy language they may use aftermarket parts.

Rental Coverage

When your vehicle is in the shop, you’ll likely be without it for at least a few days. If you need a rental car during this time, you’ll have to check your policy to see if you have one available. If you’re going through the at-fault party’s insurance company, they will provide you with a rental vehicle for basic transportation. If you have unique circumstances like an ADA vehicle or a truck or van that you have to use for work, be sure to let them know you have circumstances that require a similar temporary replacement.


If you are at fault for your accident, you’ll have to pay a collision deductible. The amount is unique to your insurance policy and typically is between $100 and $2500. If you’re not at fault and going through the at-fault party’s insurance company, there will be no deductible applied to your claim.

We hope you never have to experience an auto insurance claim but in the event you do, we’re here to help. If you’d like to discuss your auto insurance coverages prior to being in an accident, please schedule a time or call our office to review your existing coverage.

Buying Car Insurance for Your Teen in Bremerton, Washington

Buying Car Insurance for Your Teen

Buying Car Insurance for Your Teen in Bremerton, WashingtonIf your teen just got their driver’s license, then you understand the importance of making sure they have the right insurance. Keeping them as safe as possible includes making sure that they’re insured in the event of an accident, so let’s talk about what you need to know.

New drivers

Being a new driver is scary and being their parent can be even scarier. If you’re looking for tips and tools you can use to find the right car insurance for your teen, then you’ve come to the right place.

Those 20 and younger are the biggest group of distracted drivers and making sure that they’re insured should be a top priority. Not only is car insurance important for being on the road, but it could end up saving you thousands of dollars. Don’t wait to explore your insurance options.

Finding the right car insurance

When it comes to teen drivers, it can be difficult to find insurance. Many companies look at lack of experience and young age as reasons why teens aren’t the best people to insure. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to find the right car insurance policy. If you do the right research, you can end up with the right policy at the right price.

When it comes to saving money, it’s usually best for parents to add their children to the family policy. While creating a separate policy is an option, it’s usually a more expensive route. Car insurance can cost thousands of dollars each year, so it’s important that you keep realistic pricing standards in mind while you’re shopping around.

Purchasing car insurance

When it comes to car insurance for your teen, doing research is important. Learning about different policy options and what they include will give you a bigger picture of what’s on the market, as well as what will fit your budget.

If you’re curious about the options, make an appointment with our office. As a local independent insurance agency, we’ll be able to provide you with accurate quotes and provide unique advice for your situation. How much insurance costs can be heavily dependent on location, so we will walk you through all of your options. Speaking with one of our insurance agents is one of the best ways to find out more about policy options, so don’t be afraid to call us.

Teen specifics

While it can be difficult to find car insurance for teens, there are a few things that can make the process easier.

Some companies reward good grades and will offer a discount when a transcript is presented. If you think that your child may qualify, ask your insurance agency if they offer this incentive. Age is another thing that can impact price. Insuring those that are older is typically cheaper, so remember that while you’re looking at policy prices.

The right policy for your teen

From buying them a car to finding the right insurance, having a teen driver is expensive. If you’re looking for ways to reduce costs and get the best deal possible, give us a call. We can make an appointment to discuss your options and find the right policy for your new driver.