Looking For A Better Auto or Home Insurance Premium? Call An Independent Insurance Agent

When shopping for home or auto insurance, you have an abundance of choices. You can call the number on TV or shop with a local big-named brand, but then you only get one choice. Independent insurance agents offer insurance from many insurance companies, not one like most others you see on television. The benefits of shopping with a local agent are numerous. Not only will you get to compare pricing, but additional benefits include:

What’s Your Time Worth?

When you call an independent insurance agency, you’re presented with multiple insurance quotes at once from multiple companies. Independent agents will often make a recommendation for protection levels and companies that best fit your needs, but ultimately, the choice is yours.

Professional, unbiased consultations

As an independent agent, we offer clients unbiased advice. After all, we work for you, not a specific insurance company. So, when you get a quote or policy from us, we take care to ensure you’re matched with the carrier with the best options for your specific needs.

Who doesn’t love a discount?

Our agents are discount detectives. We can look at your situation and coverage request and match you with a company that offers you the most discounts along the way. Some of these include safe driver, claims free, home & auto bundles, teen drivers, paid in full, and more! There are so many discounts available.

Local Relationship

As a local agent, we appreciate our connection to the community and being able to speak to our local client base over the phone or in the office. Our agents work and live in your community, so we care about your care and coverage.


This might be the biggest benefit of all. Everyone throughout their lives will need to change their insurance coverage for a reason or another. Perhaps you got married, purchased a home, had a child, invested in a rental property or you want an umbrella policy to increase your coverage. When you work with an independent insurance agency, you don’t have to change agents. We can find you a new company with the coverage and pricing you want for your new lifestyle.

If you need an insurance policy for your auto, home, boat, RV, or even business, call us. We can help you find affordable coverage for your situation. Get a free insurance quote today.

Home Technology & Insurance Discounts H&K Insurance in Bremerton, Washington

IoT Devices & Sensors for Homeowners Insurance

Home Technology & Insurance Discounts H&K Insurance in Bremerton, WashingtonIf you’re a homeowner, then you’re aware that it can be complicated to make sure your home is protected. If you’ve ever worried about your home being secure and free from damage, then you should consider purchasing technology that could provide you with peace of mind. Not only do the right devices and sensors provide you with a level of security, but they also can have positive impacts on your homeowners insurance.

Taking advantage of technology

The IoT (Internet of Things) market is one that has seen exponential growth within the past couple of years. Within the network of connected devices comes multiple benefits, both for homeowners and insurers. Making sure that your home is protected should be a mutual goal and it’s one that is made easier when your house is equipped with the right technology.

Did you know that there are multiple different types of sensors available to protect your home and help monitor to avert damage? Finding the right sensors could prevent damage to your home, as you can fix the problem before it becomes an even bigger issue. Being able to prevent damage is one of the most valuable benefits that IoT devices and sensors provide, as both homeowners and insurers have a vested interest.

What sensors should you consider?

Which sensors are right for you depends on the level of protection that you want to implement in your home. Many people have devices to protect and alert if a burglary takes place, but there are many other options that you can add as well including smart devices and garage doors.

Water sensors can alert you if there is a leak in your water supply, potentially saving you thousands of dollars in water damage as well as identify a smaller leak before it becomes a big one.

Humidity sensors are similar and can alert you if your house’s integrity is at risk. Implementing smart devices is one of the best ways to take advantage of innovative technology, harnessing its power to protect your home and lower your insurance premiums.

Why purchase additional devices?

One of the biggest reasons why many choose to implement more devices into their home is because of the insurance benefits that they can have. Not only can more technology provide you with peace of mind and assurance, but it could potentially lower your premiums. Because problems can be identified and solved before they multiply, insurance companies also have something to gain when you install the right devices.

Technology also allows for insurance claims to be completed easily. Because technology can be relied on to gain an accurate picture of a home’s state, claims can be settled quicker than normal. Not needing to rely on human assessments streamlines the process and leads to less disputed claims.

Taking the next steps

If you’re ready to learn more about smart insurance and what it could mean for your home, let us know. We’re experts in the field and work with our customers to help them find the right insurance solutions for their individual situations. Make an appointment with us today to learn more about the many benefits of installing devices and sensors in your home.

Preparing Your Home For Winter in Bremerton, Washington

Preparing Your Home For Winter

Preparing Your Home For Winter in Bremerton, WashingtonIf you’re a homeowner who lives in a colder climate, then you understand the importance of preparing for the winter. There are so many factors that can occur when the colder weather sets in and it’s important that you’re ready for various scenarios. Let’s go over some of the things that you can do to protect your home.

Have Homeowners Insurance

Purchasing insurance is one of the best ways to protect your house. Making sure that you have the right policy is important so that it takes into account any seasonal concerns you may have.

Clear Your Gutters

Especially if your winters tend to be filled with lots of rain, it’s important that your gutters are clear. Water buildup can lead to roof leakage or pipes breaking, so it’s essential that any rain has a clear path away from your house.

Clean Your Chimney

Who doesn’t love a cozy fire after a long day of playing in the snow? If you’re planning on using your fireplace this season, it’s important that regular maintenance has been kept up on it. Not cleaning out your chimney could be dangerous, so it’s important that you make sure this is checked off your to-do list.

Maintain Wood Exteriors

If you have a wood exterior on your home, then it’s important to make sure that it’s sealed from the elements. This will help you make sure that your heating bill is as low as possible, as well as maintain the integrity of your house.

Are Your Windows Insulated?

If your heating bill is higher than you think it should be, consider the insulation around your windows. Many people don’t consider that windows are an excellent way for heat to escape and cold air to enter your home. Make sure that you’re protected from the harsh wind by insulating your windows.

Weatherstrips are a great way to make sure that your windows and doors are prepared for harsh winters. They’re relatively inexpensive and could end up saving you money in the future.

Take a Look at Your Yard

There are lots of things inside that need your attention, but don’t forget to consider possible dangers in your yard. Trimming any tree branches around your house is a great way to prepare for winter storms and make sure that your house is as safe as possible.

Check Your Heater

If winter means cold weather where you live, then make an appointment to have a professional come take a look at your heating system. While they’re there, have them peek at your cooling system as well and make sure that everything’s in check. It’s best to have your systems checked sooner rather than later so that you know you can use them as soon as you need to.

Have Any Questions?

We’re experts when it comes to protecting houses, so we know what it takes to prepare for the winter. Feel free to give us a call or send us a message and we can provide you with more specifics.