Entries by Admin

Is Earthquake Insurance Required? Learn About The Coverage.

We have all heard of earthquake insurance, but is it required to purchase if you own a home, condo or investment property? The answer is no. However, it is important to keep in mind that your standard home, condo or investment property insurance policy would not be cover you in the event your home was […]

I Am Moving, But Want To Keep My Current Home As An Investment Property

The process of going from being a homeowner to a real estate investment/landlord is an exciting time. Not only are you working towards creating an extra revenue stream for your income, but you’re investing in what has historically been one of the best places – real estate! When it comes to investing in real estate […]

National Insurance Awareness – June 28th

Consider Sunday, June 28th a day to think about your current insurance policy. While this can be a good time to do annually at your renewal, you may have been thinking about your policy again since COVID-19 hit. Reach out to your agent. We can do an in depth review of your current insurance policy […]