Home and Auto Insurance in Bremerton, Washington

Home & Auto Insurance Have Increased & We Explain Why.

Home and Auto Insurance in Bremerton, WashingtonInsurance premiums are calculated based on how much it will cost to replace or repair your home or vehicle as well as your overall risk. Your overall risk is broken up by several factors that can impact your auto insurance such as your driving record, claim history, age, credit score, zip code, the make and model of your car, and the type of insurance coverage limits & deductible you choose. Your home insurance premium factors can be based on the age of your home & condition, your zip code, credit score, home safety features, the coverage limits & deductible you choose, claim history, and more.

We are seeing a trend that many customers continue seeing an increase in auto and home insurance premiums at renewal, even if their overall risk has not changed.

Home insurance has increased because construction costs have gone up due to a shortage of building materials and labor. Not only has there been a shortage in materials and labor, but the cost of materials and labor wages have also increased. Lastly, there has been an increase in home insurance claims due to natural disasters. Anytime an insurance carrier experiences an increase in insurance claims, they will increase their future premiums for customers. This can even extend across state lines.

Car insurance has also gone up for several reasons such as more accidents occurring, a shortage of skilled labor, and car parts have increased in price. All these factors make insurance premiums more expensive.

If your home or auto insurance policy premium increased significantly at renewal, don’t panic & give us a call. We represent the top insurance carriers, which means we work for you. We have the ability to shop your current coverage with all of our carriers & provide you with several quotes. This gives you the option to have competitive prices, as well as several choices.

We can also provide you with professional insurance advice. We always want you to have plenty of insurance coverage to ensure you are protected in the event you have to file a claim.

Here are some things to consider when it comes to lowering your premium: 

1.) Bundle your home or renters insurance policy with your car insurance.

2.) Stay on top of home maintenance to lower your risk of a claim. A few areas to assess are your roof, plumbing and electrical. Insurance claims can impact your future insurance premium so if there is a way to prevent a claim, this is crucial.

3.) Talk to your agent about an insurance review. When you increase your deductible, your premium gets lowered. Please note if you do experience a home insurance claim, out-of-pocket expenses would be increased due to a higher deductible.

4.) Ask for a re-quote with other carriers. This is a big advantage of working with a local, independent insurance agency. We have many choices for insurance!

Contact our agency today with any questions or concerns you have about your insurance policy.


in Bremerton, Washington

Three Things to Consider for Halloween This Year

in Bremerton, WashingtonHalloween is a great holiday in many ways. Whether it is dressing up, decorating your home, watching a scary movie or simply enjoying some fun size candy, Halloween brings joy to all ages. Here are a few things to consider making the most out of your holiday.

  1. Be aware of tripping hazards around your home

If your plan is to stay home and pass out candy, it is important you prep your home first. Whenever strangers step foot onto your property, you do have a liability risk. To lower your liability risk, be sure to check your driveway or stairway for tripping hazards. This can include hoses, extension cords, debris, loose decking boards, decorations or outdoor toys.

If someone were to trip or fall on your property, there could be a chance you are liable. Walk your property to make sure you do not have anything someone could trip on. If you live in a cold environment, you should also evaluate if there are any areas that are slick that someone could slip. While most people think of icy stairs, wet leaves and algae growth can also be something to think about.

Lastly, if you own a dog, have a plan. Some dogs do not like having strangers walk up to the door or may be disturbed when the doorbell rings. If your dog falls in this category, make a plan for what you can do to keep your dog calm. The last thing you want is to have your dog bite someone, as you could be liable.

  1. Have a plan if trick or treating

Whether you are going trick or treating with your child or if your teenager wants to go trick or treating with friends make sure you have a plan for the night. What neighborhood provides good sidewalks? What are safety tips you can share with your teenager about walking in the dark or talking with strangers?

  1. Pack safety gear & be extra cautious when driving

Whenever you are walking or driving at nighttime, you want to be extra cautious of your surroundings. If you plan to be walking around & trick or treating, be sure you pack safety gear such as a flashlight or a bright vest or reflective clothing. You want to be visible to drivers on the road and those two items can help. Glow sticks are also fun for kids to hold at nighttime.

If you will be out & about, be aware of trick or treaters. Drive slowly when entering your neighborhood. Some individuals may not be visible with flashlights or bright vests, so it never hurts to drive cautiously.

We hope you enjoy your Halloween. If you have questions about your insurance coverage, reach out to our agency. We are happy to do an insurance review or provide you with multiple quotes.

Fire Prevention in Bremerton, Washington

It’s Fire Prevention Month – How To Lower Your Risk For a Home Fire

Fire Prevention in Bremerton, WashingtonOctober is Fire Prevention Month. In this blog, we’ll talk about some of the most common ways a fire can start and we’ll provide you with some tips on how to prevent them from starting.

Smoke Alarms

The number one defense against fires is having a working smoke alarm, so it is crucial that you regularly check to make sure that your alarms are working. Replace your batteries whenever they get low.

If your smoke alarm begins to make an annoying beeping sound, that is your alarm telling you that its batteries are running low on power. It is also a good idea to test your smoke alarm every six months.

It varies from unit to unit, but many times there is a button you can press that will trigger a test alarm. If you try testing it and nothing happens, then that is your sign to buy a new one.


Candles are a popular item to use this time of year. Candles can easily become a fire hazard if they are left too close to other flammable items, such as drapes or a blanket, or if they happen to tip over.

If you plan on using a candle, make sure you use one that has a wide base, so it doesn’t tip over easily, and you place it away from anything that could be flammable. Also, if you have to leave the room, make sure to always extinguish the candle. Alternatively, the safest option is to use an electric candle since they have an almost zero chance of starting a fire but still produces the same light and fragrance that normal ones do.


With the temperature beginning to drop, you might be wanting to start using your chimney soon. It is important you take some precautions first. You should get your chimney inspected annually to prevent any leftover debris or soot that could potentially start a fire.

A good reminder when using your fireplace is to always make sure your fire is completely out when you are done using it. Any leftover embers can start another fire, and if you aren’t around, it’s possible for that fire to get out of control. To avoid this from happening, use a shovel to break up the burnt firewood and spread them out in your fireplace. Then, use sand, ash from the fire, or even baking soda to smother the remaining burning embers so oxygen can’t reach them. Water, however, should never be used since the steam can end up pushing out embers and fire particles from the fireplace into your home.


The kitchen is where half of all house fires start according to the National Fire Protection Agency. There are several appliances in a house or apartment that if not used properly or safely can easily become a fire hazard.

One simple tip when using your kitchen: never leave your kitchen unattended if you are cooking.

Many fires in the kitchen start not from the food or oil being cooked, but also by simply leaving flammable items too close to what you are cooking. Examples such as oven mitts, towels, etc. can easily catch fire if left too close to the stove.

Dryers in laundry rooms are an additional appliance that you should be cautious of when you use them. The buildup of lint is one of the biggest reasons a fire can break out in your laundry room. Lint is flammable, and if it is not cleaned out regularly, it will continuously build up and the risk of a fire will grow larger.

Extension cords and power hubs are a convenient way to charge or power all of your electronics, but you need to always make sure you are not overloading them, otherwise, you can risk starting an electrical fire. Before using it, you should read the instructions (if provided) of your extension cord so you’re aware of its limits and how not to exceed them.

If you are using the cord to power a larger appliance, make sure the extension cord can handle the electrical load and don’t overload it by adding additional appliances. You should also purchase cords that have been tested by independent testing labs to help verify its safety; You should see a sticker displaying this on the extension cord and/or its packaging.

We hope these tips have given you better insight into how to prevent fires in your home. If you would like to learn more about fire prevention, or what your homeowners insurance covers in a fire, contact our agency today.