Moving Trucks & Uhaul Type Insurance

Insurance for UhaulsWhen you rent a moving truck, one of the common dilemmas is whether to purchase insurance from the rental company. However, the need for insurance depends on various factors, including the type of vehicle you rent and your existing insurance coverage. Let’s explore this topic further to help you make an informed decision.

Most rental car companies offer collision and comprehensive coverage, which is aimed at protecting the rented vehicle. In many cases, if you have a personal auto policy, it may already cover the usage of a temporary replacement vehicle, typically up to 12,000 gross vehicle weight (GVW). However, if the rented vehicle exceeds this weight limit, it would likely be excluded from coverage. Another factor to consider is whether the truck’s cab is separated from the bed, as this can also create an exclusion from coverage under most auto insurance policies.

When it comes to truck rental companies, they generally provide four types of coverage options:

Damage Waiver: This coverage protects you in the event of damage to the rented truck. If you decline this coverage, you become responsible for any damage to the vehicle, regardless of fault. It’s important to note that depending on the extent of the repairs required, you may also be held accountable for the loss of use of the vehicle.

Liability Coverage: This coverage comes into play if you cause damage to someone else’s property or injure another person while driving the rented truck. While your personal auto policy may provide some coverage, it’s essential to contact your insurance provider in advance to confirm the extent of coverage. Remember, each insurance company has different policies and requirements.

Cargo Coverage: It’s crucial to understand that your personal auto policy does not cover any cargo you are transporting in the rented truck. If you are carrying valuable items during the move, you might consider purchasing cargo coverage, especially if the value of the cargo is significant. However, if you are transporting items that are less likely to be damaged, such as a mattress, it might be wise to save your money and forgo this coverage. Ultimately, the decision depends on the nature and value of the items being transported.

Personal Injury Protection: This coverage, often referred to as no-fault insurance, can be utilized if you are involved in a motor vehicle collision, regardless of the vehicle you are traveling in. It provides coverage for medical expenses and other related costs resulting from the accident.

Please note that this article serves as general information and should not be taken as specific advice. Each insurance company operates differently, and coverage can vary significantly among carriers. To ensure that your specific situation is adequately covered, it is advisable to contact your insurance provider directly and speak with a licensed agent. They can provide personalized guidance based on your circumstances and clarify any concerns you may have about renting a vehicle.

Feel free to reach out to our office if you have any further questions. We are here to provide information and assist you, but it’s important to consult with a licensed insurance agent for comprehensive advice that aligns with your insurance carrier’s specific policies.

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Is it Time To Purchase Life Insurance?

September is Life Insurance Awareness MonthSeptember is Life Insurance Awareness Month. As your local independent insurance agency, we are here to make you aware of the benefits of purchasing a life insurance policy. There are many options to choose from so if you have specific questions, reach out to our agency!

Life insurance is designed to provide financial stability to your family if you pass away. Life insurance policies vary with how they can provide financial support. It could pay for monthly bills, and funeral expenses or provide a lump sum of cash.

When Should You Consider a Life Insurance Policy?

If your family relies on your income to pay monthly expenses, you should consider a life insurance policy.

Other scenarios typically can be:

  • You recently bought a home
  • You have a child or multiple children
  • You are getting married
  • You are a financial resource for your parents
  • You pay for long-term care for your child or parents
  • You plan to pay for your child’s college degree

The younger you purchase a life insurance policy, the cheaper your premium typically is. Life insurance is calculated by your age, health status, medical history, occupation, your behavior, and the type of coverage you want.

Coverage Options for Life Insurance

There are many types of life insurance you can purchase. The two most common policies are term life insurance or whole life insurance. Term life insurance is designed to cover you for a specific amount of years, whereas whole life insurance is for your entire life.

Other coverage options include universal life insurance, variable life insurance, mortgage replacement insurance, or final expense insurance.

Our agents are here to help you determine the best fit for your needs. Insurance is not a one-size-fits-all all. We will listen to how you want to provide financial support to your family through life insurance and can explain your coverage options.

If you currently have a life insurance policy, now might be a good time to review it.

  • Do you need to update your beneficiaries?
  • Are you happy with your current policy? If you need to make an adjustment to your death benefit or are seeking a better monthly premium, we can help.

Ready for a Life Insurance Quote?

If your spouse or family depends on your income each month, protect your family with a life insurance policy. Our licensed agents can find you the best life insurance policy for your needs and budget. By giving our agency a call or filling out a life insurance quote on our website, our licensed agents can provide multiple life insurance quotes. Our agency represents several life insurance companies and we can match you with the best fit.

Utilization of the latest technology to reduce your likelihood of a claim

Technology has made significant strides in the past five years, offering homeowners the ability to control and monitor various aspects of their homes through mobile devices and Wi-Fi-enabled routers. By incorporating do-it-yourself tech items into your home, you can mitigate the risk of insurance claims related to burglary, water damage, fire, and freezing damage. Consider these innovative options:

Smart Thermostats: In addition to reducing energy consumption, smart thermostats allow you to monitor your home’s temperature even when you’re away. This feature is particularly useful in preventing frozen pipes and subsequent water damage caused by sudden drops in temperature. Adjusting the thermostat remotely via a Wi-Fi signal helps keep your home protected while you’re abroad.

Smart Garage Door Openers: Ever left the garage door open all night or questioned whether you closed it after leaving the house? Smart garage door openers connect to your Wi-Fi system and send notifications about the door’s status. With a few taps on your mobile device, you can ensure that your belongings remain safe and secure.

Water Sensors: Install water sensors in strategic locations such as behind toilets, near dishwashers, and behind refrigerators with water/ice makers. These sensors alert you to the presence of standing water, helping you detect leaks early and prevent extensive damage. They can be integrated with your existing alarm system or operate independently via Wi-Fi connectivity, with prices starting at around $60 per unit.

Smart Smoke Alarms: Smoke alarms play a crucial role in safeguarding your home against fire and smoke damage. With Wi-Fi-enabled smoke alarms, you can link them to your home security system and receive alerts remotely. Prompt notifications ensure that you can take action immediately, even when you’re away from home.

Smart Locks: Never worry about whether you locked the front door again. Wi-Fi-enabled smart locks allow you to lock and unlock your door using a battery-powered mechanism and a Wi-Fi signal. This convenient feature eliminates the risk of leaving your front door unlocked.

Humidity Monitors: High humidity levels can indicate water leaks or excessive moisture in your home, which can lead to damage. Humidity sensors integrated into devices like thermostats, furnaces, and home video monitors can provide early warnings, allowing you to address potential issues before they escalate.

Embrace these technological solutions to enhance the safety and security of your home. If you have any questions about your home or renters insurance, feel free to contact us for expert guidance on finding the right coverage and pricing tailored to your needs.