Liability Insurance for Dog Bite Claims Bremerton, WA

Be a Responsible Dog Owner – 7 Tips to Follow to Avoid a Liability Claim

There are few furry companions in this world who can bring joy to your life as much as a dog. For dog lovers, your pets are as much a part of the family as any other member of the family! Along with the incredible fun of dog ownership comes responsibilities. Here are some tips to help you avoid a dog liability claim.

  1. Understand Your Dog Breed

Dog breeds all seem to represent one personality or another. Some are known for being more aggressive than others, however, even small dogs can nip. When you’re searching for a dog, or perhaps you have one already, pick up a dog book and read about the idiosyncrasies that the breed has.

  • If adopting, talk to the adoption or dog’s caretaker about its behavior.

Adopting a dog is a wonderful gesture and you’re doing a great thing for the pet. You’re taking it out of a shelter and bringing it into your loving home. When you adopt a dog, it is important to talk to the caretaker about the dog’s behavior, interaction with kids as well as other dogs and even cats.

  • Socialize Your Pet

Socializing your dog from a young age with other animals, children or the elderly can help your dog behave well around these different age groups and animals. It can also curb their aggression towards other animals.

  • Obedience Training

Even if your animal doesn’t exhibit aggression towards other animals, obedience training can be a great way to train your dog. Obedience training can include a variety of things from command training to behavior, agility and overall better obedience.

  • Keep Your Dog On A Leash

Most cities & states have some leash laws. These laws vary and you should check with your local municipalities for rules and regulations. These laws typically exist to keep people and wildlife safe. If you’re in a National Park, or State Park, chances are obeying laws here will keep you from being fined. Some states go as far as to charge the owners with misdemeanors for having a dog off leash in State Parks. Regardless if you are in a State Park or walking your neighborhood, keeping your dog on a leash keeps you in charge of your dog.

  • Avoid leaving your pet unattended & always watch your dog when around children

Pets left unattended can exhibit behaviors that are not typical. If your pet is new to you, never leave a pet with a child unattended. A child could unintentionally agitate the animal, step on its paws or something else that causes the animal to react. If you leave your animal in the vehicle, be sure it is restrained and can’t nip at someone as they walk past. It’s always good practice to keep a close eye on your dog when it’s around small children. If you are closely watching, you can monitor your dog’s behavior & step in if you feel it’s uncomfortable around children.  

  • Monitor Your Dog’s Behavior

If you’ve noticed a change in your dog’s behavior, you should have it looked at. A dog who is sick, in pain or other can become aggressive even when their history says otherwise.

Owning a pet is a joy. Be a responsible pet owner and keep an eye on your animal at all times. Even the best dogs can exhibit bad behavior if they’re put in the wrong situation. We hope that you and your pet always have a great time, but in the event that your pet does cause an injury and claim having the right home or renters insurance policy can help protect you from a lawsuit. Talk to an agent today about protecting yourself from pet caused injury related claims.

ATV Insurance Policy Bremerton, WA

Everything You Need to Know About ATV Insurance

ATV Insurance Policy Bremerton, WA

Four-wheelers, ATVs, UTVs, side-by-sides and more are so much fun! Some are used for work purposes such as around the farm or hunting, but many are used purely as a recreational vehicle for weekend fun! Regardless of how you use your ATV, you may want to consider an ATV insurance policy. We answer the most common questions that come up both in our office and around the country in the claims departments regarding ATV insurance.

Doesn’t My Home Insurance Cover This?

If your ATV is used only on your property and never off, then likely your home insurance policy will provide some coverage. It is always best to check with your insurance agent on how much coverage and what circumstances are or are not covered.

Is ATV Insurance Expensive?

ATV insurance is very inexpensive when compared to an auto insurance policy. In fact, it can be under a dollar a day. Talk to your insurance agent for a free insurance quote.

Am I required to have it?

Typically no. Just because you own an ATV doesn’t mean you need to have insurance on it. However, if you use your ATV on state lands, parks or other public areas, it would be incredibly unwise to operate your vehicle there and many state lands and parks will require riders to have the vehicle insured and licensed for use in the parks.

What discounts are available?

The most common discount available would be a multi-policy discount for insuring other products with the same company. For instance, if your home and auto insurance is already with an insurance company, that same company may offer you a discount on your new product.

My ATV Is customized, is there coverage for that?

Custom parts and equipment can be added to most policies. Some policies will even include some customer parts and equipment into your base rate. If your ATV is customized it is important to keep up to date documentation of custom parts in the event of a claim.

If you’d like a quote on your ATV/UTV or side-by-side, give us a call. Our licensed staff can quickly and easily help you decide what coverage and options are right for your situation.

Boat Insurance Agent Bremerton, WA

5 Most Common Boating Claims & Insurance to Cover Them

Ah, boating. Whether you enjoy taking your boat out for a ride, waterskiing or fishing, boats bring joy and relaxation. Like any vehicle, there comes risks with operating a boat and understanding your insurance coverage is crucial. While having a conversation with your local insurance agent can clarify any of your questions, we’ll share the five most common boating claims and the insurance that can cover it.

But first, you may want to know what some boat insurance coverages are. Coverages may include collision, property damage, liability, towing and assistance and comprehensive coverage. If you have a small watercraft, talk to your agent to see if your home insurance provides any coverage and if that makes sense for your situation.  

Boat insurance cost varies for each individual such as your boat’s value, size, year, how you plan to use it and how much insurance coverage you want.

5 Common Boating Claims

Injury – Need Bodily Injury Liability Coverage

Injuries on the water are common.  If you caused somebody to get hurt in another boat or one of your passengers were injured, there are insurance coverage options. Bodily injury liability can cover medical bills, lost income, pain & suffering and legal expenses. Be sure you know how much you are covered for. Also, if you plan to use your boat for waterskiing or wakeboarding, talk to your agent about the specifics of your coverage for passengers if they were to get hurt while skiing.

How to lower your risk for a boating insurance injury:

  • Take a boating safety class.
  • Always have a life jacket for everyone on the boat. Be sure they fit the proper requirements.
  • Be a defensive driver. Always be aware of your surroundings when driving your boat.
  • Never drink and drive.

Hitting an underwater object – Need Collision Insurance Coverage

This potentially could cause major damage to your boat. Many boat claims come from hitting a rock or other submerged object you can’t see in the water.

How to lower your risk:

  • If your boat has a depth sounder, always pay attention to it while driving.
  • Follow the proper path for marked channels & be aware of water hazard markers.

Theft or Vandalized– Need Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive coverage will cover if your boat is stolen. It may or may not cover the items inside your boat. Talk to your agent about the details of your insurance policy.

Weather Damage – Check with Your Local Agent

Depending on where you plan to boat, there are always chances of a wind storm, lightning or hurricane. Speak with your agent to know if your boat is covered from any storm damage, as well as flood damage.

Accident with another boat or object– Need Collision Coverage

This may be covered with your standard boat insurance policy. Talk with your local insurance agent to go over specific scenarios where coverage may vary.

Many additional boat insurance options exist. We have policies that will cover your personal items while on the water such as fishing equipment and wakeboards. Want to be sure you get the right boat insurance policy? Call our licensed agents at H&K Insurance in Bremerton, WA. We’ll find ways to save you money & help explain your insurance coverage so you know exactly what you are covered for.