Entries by Admin

Insurance Advertising Trends

When did commercials become interesting and funny? Watching TV has become more about how entertaining the commercials are versus the sports we happen to be watching, like a big football game. Advertising is big business and insurance advertising represents one of the biggest spenders. In fact, the three largest insurance companies spent a combined 1.62 […]

Tips for Truckers to Stay Healthy on The Road

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially during these challenging times with the COVID-19 pandemic, is very important for every truck driver in America. Here are four ways to stay healthy on the road. Choose More Nutrient Dense Meals There are a few ways to do this. First, start packing your own meals. Packing your own meals […]

Active Deer Season & How to Lower Your Risk for a Collision

Did you know that there is an increased chance of hitting a deer from October to December? Yes, this is considered deer season so it’s important to keep an extra eye out for deer this time of year. Being informed is key to staying safe on the road. We’ll go over a few things to […]