Hazardous Household Waste Disposal in Bremerton, WA

Do You Know How to Dispose of Hazardous Household Items?

Hazardous Household Waste Disposal in Bremerton, WAWhether you’re purchasing a new home or have lived in the same house for years, chances are there is old paint and other household items that require special disposal in your crawlspace or garage.

Batteries:  The average American household goes through over a dozen standard batteries a year. There are several types of batteries. Alkaline batteries come in sizes like AA, AAA, C, D and 9V and can simply be disposed of in your standard garbage can. Alkaline batteries no longer contain dangerous substances like mercury (eliminated around 1993). However, it’s important not to throw away a large number of alkaline batteries together. Also, if you use rechargeable batteries like AAs or AAAs, you should recycle them.

Car batteries and small tractor batteries contain lead and sulfuric acid. These batteries should be taken to a recycling center. Many auto parts stores will actually pay you to recycle the battery at their location. Auto Zone is one of these many stores currently offering a $5 store credit for recycling your battery there.

Paint: Latex paint is considered non-hazardous by all states except California. If you have a home in California, visit this site for recommended disposal. For all other states, it is recommended to dry out the leftover paint with cat litter or a latex paint hardener specifically made for drying out leftover paint such as this product from Home Depot. You can then dispose of the paint in your curb-side garbage collection.

CFL and Fluorescent Light bulbs: These energy efficient bulbs contain mercury. They should be recycled at a local recycler. Many states including California, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington require the bulbs be recycled and not disposed of in your common household trash.  Some major home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes have recycling centers available. Look towards their returns desk for a drop-off.

Keep your eye out for local recycling programs in your community. These are often sponsored by the city you live in and makes disposing of household waste simple.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

How to avoid an insurance claim on Halloween in Bremerton, WA

How to Avoid a Spooky Insurance Claim on Halloween

How to avoid an insurance claim on Halloween in Bremerton, WAHalloween can be some people’s favorite holiday. Whether it’s fun sized candy, making your own costume, setting up spooky decorations inside or outside your home or carving pumpkins, Halloween brings many of us joy. However, this holiday can increase your risk for an expensive liability claim if you’re not careful. Follow these five tips to ensure your holiday is fun and safe.

Prep Your Home for Trick-or-Treaters. Even if you don’t decorate the outside of your home, be sure your sidewalks, driveway and the entrance leading up to your front door is clear. You are liable if a child or adult trips on a broken branch, garden house or electrical cord on your property.

Keep Your Pets Indoors. Sometimes animals can be frightened by strangers or unusual noises. To avoid a dog bite claim, keep your animals inside in a separate room. The door bell ringing several times an hour can get your animal too excited or scared. Be sure they get a treat too.

Use LED candles. This can help prevent any trick-or-treater from knocking over lit candles close to your home. For your carved pumpkin, LED candles are much easier to use and can prevent any unwanted burns compared to lighting a candle.

Drive Slowly. If you find yourself driving home in the dark on Halloween night, be extra cautious of children and adults walking around your neighborhood who may not be using proper lighting. Be aware of your speed and don’t be a distracted driver.

Carry the right tools. If you plan to go out for trick-or-treating, be sure you have a flash light and a fully charged cell phone in the case you need to make an emergency call. Stay on the sidewalks and avoid walking through yards.

Happy Halloween!

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.

Wildfire Prevention in Bremerton, WA

How to Protect Your Home & Property from Wildfires

Wildfire Prevention in Bremerton, WAWildfires occur every year and summer season is also known as fire season. Each year millions of acres across the country are scorched by both nature as well as human caused fire. By knowing how to minimize losses, human caused fires can drastically decrease with the proper education. Use these simple steps.

Equipment or toys can spark a wildfire

Lawn mowers, weed-eaters, chain saws, welders, tractors, dirt bikes, and more can all cause sparks. Don’t mow dry grass or weeds. When you are maintaining your yard, avoid dry yard debris buildup.

If you are using a tractor, dirt bike or welder, avoid driving or using your welder near dry grass or brush.

Keeping your Home Safe from Wildfire Damage

Use fire-resistant building material for your home.

The roof and exterior surface need to be composed of non-combustible or fire resistant materials. This would include brick, stone, aluminum, tile, sheet iron, asphalt or slate. If your home is composed of wood or cedar, consider this a risk. Homes that are located in especially fire prone areas can escape damage by being entirely built of concrete and stone.

Maintain Your Roof

When your roof is filled with leaves, pine needles, branches, moss, you are increasing your risk for wildfire damage. Be sure to avoid letting these items collect on your roof.

Keep your Property Free of Dead Plants or Trees

Tree branches should be kept to a height of 15 feet. Also, be sure tree branches aren’t near your chimney. If a branch is within 10 feet of the flue opening of the stove or chimney, remove it.

Keeping things like sheds and wood piles at least 30 feet away from your home helps reduce the chances of a fire jumping from one structure to the next.

It is important to understand the limits of your insurance policies as many natural disasters like floods or earthquakes require a special insurance policy while wildfires are generally covered under the comprehensive portion of a homeowner’s insurance policy. The price of the policy may be higher if you live in an area that is prone to yearly fires or if a fire station is far away.

H&K Agency Inc. is a no-fee independent insurance agent specializing in property and vehicle insurance designed to fit your needs. We represent a variety of top insurance companies in Washington State who offer terrific coverage at the best prices.  Our services are available throughout Port Orchard WA, Bremerton WA, Silverdale WA, and the surrounding areas. For all of your personal insurance needs, give our knowledgeable agents a call at (360) 377-7645.